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How the St. Joseph Homestead Began

What does a Catholic do when he wants something real bad? Pray a novena, of course! And in 2015 that’s exactly what we did when we were looking for land to start our farm.

After several months, the search was proving to be fruitless, so we started a novena (a nine-day prayer) to St. Joseph, asking for his intercession before God for help in this matter. God granted St. Joseph’s request on our behalf, for by day nine we had not only found the land, but closed on the purchase also!

Even though the establishment of a running farm was still a long way off, there was no doubt in our minds that it would one day be named after him. Our patron has looked after us every step of the way, has given us many unexpected blessings, and has even gotten us out of a few pickles!

We here publicly express our gratitude to St. Joseph, Foster Father of the Son of God, Head of the Holy Family, Model of Artisans, and Terror of Demons.